Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Heralded as De Jure Standard for the Definition of “Religion”

September 10, 2014 at 12:16am

Oklahoma DMV must allow “religious headwear” in license photos based on even outlandish statements of belief.  The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (pastafarianism) is actually considered legit!—as a “religion.”

But “legit” is only based on the law of the land, not the Bible.  OK, so here’s the comeback:  Using this outlandish “religious observance” claim as a de jure standard (as well as de facto standard!), humanism, heathenism, atheism, etc., etc. must therefore be considered religions.

No Christian I personally know use any claim(s) of religious observance anywhere in the manner demonstrated.   I’ve seen John 3:16 signs in football stadiums, but they’re not claiming “religious observance” to any governing entity (and that’s the difference).  In fact, this difference is reflected in the book of Acts.

If it weren’t so sad because of the depraved mindset exhibited by those involved, it’d be funny.  It’s bad enough, though, that the law of the land tends to enjoy more authority than the Word of God.

But even Adam & Eve had a religion… after the fall, that is.  Before, they didn’t have one… or need one, because they had a relationship with their Creator.  The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and His blood restored that relationship to the point that it’s real—as real as it was in Adam’s day before his fall.  Selah.

That’s why I call it the real thing, a slogan I stole from Coca-Cola TV commercials.  (Growing up, I thought Coca-Cola was the real thing among soft drinks.  Now I no longer drink Coke.)

After the fall, the religion that Adam and Eve took up was exhibited by their donning aprons made of leaves.  This doesn’t constitute a relationship with God any more than going to church constitutes a relationship with God.  Selah.

That means pastafarianism takes you  exactly nowhere except self-deception, regardless of the motive behind it.

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2 Responses to Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Heralded as De Jure Standard for the Definition of “Religion”

  1. flamingdarts says:

    I think “(Growing up, I thought Coca-Cola was the real thing among drinks. Now Jesus is; and I no longer drink Coke.)” is a bit of a non sequiturial concoction.


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